Moved from Russia to New York, USA. First difficult year.2005
DK FILMS founded by Dmitry Korikov. First small projects.

First short film made, Russia. Since then we continuously producing films, commercials and TV shows.

First apartment was opened.DK MODELS, DK CLOTHES was founded. Russia, Moscow.
Series of short films and fashion videos produced.
2 квартиры открываются в Нью-Йорке.
Короткометражный фильм «Высокая линия» был снят с участием режиссера Павла Килдау.
Moving to Los Angeles. Opening 4 more apartments. Buying first car. Vehicles renting business started. Few more short films done.
LANDSTORMERS travel project lunched. Our first motorhome and first motorcycle was bought.

First time at Venice film market. Opening office at Hollywood Hills. Hiring 5 people there. More commercials getting done. Start selling stock videos and photos from LANDSTORMERS roadtrips.
Visiting Sundance film festival. Feature film 9 incredible stories developing started. First house project gets into developing. First music video.
Company gets bigger. Slow projects finally gets done faster. Buying 1 more cars. Motorcycle. Boat. Vehicles renting goes up. 6 more employees join Russia office. Dog Raya join our board.

Hiring fast. 25+ employers working 3000+ hours per month. 2 more yachts. 5 more cars. Landstormers book gets into developing. Artists management started. Feature film work doesn\’t stop.